Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

A bit of good!

A Bit of Bite ebook

A Bit of Bite ebook

There's nothing more enjoyable than reading a fast-paced book that is well written and has great characters. This was a short novella about Ava, a deputy sheriff in rural Louisiana, bent on protecting the humans from the supernatural forces in her county. Problem is, she's already fallen for the super-hot Alpha of the local werewolf pack, Julian, and she tries to fight that throughout the story.

I am hoping this is a smaller bit of a story to a larger, more drawn out story or series of books because these characters are fabulous and I really want to read more about them. If not, I'll be reading more of this author's work because she has a way or writing that makes it easy for the reader to get lost in without having to trip over big, unnecessary words or annoying typos.

5 Stars!

Get your A Bit of Bite ebook Now!

8 komentar:

  1. Can someone please provide me with a website or some information on how artists patent and/or copyright their work? Much appreciated!

  2. Ive been bitting them for years now but cant stop, ive tried putting nail polish on etc but nothing works :/

  3. I know a patent can cost anywhere from 5k-10k, but how much is a patent review?

  4. I have already drawn, designed, and built it by hand. However, I don't have the ability to mass produce it. I am working on the patent process currently to protect the idea, but still want to get the ball rolling with production. It requires wood and screws.

  5. Can anyone tell me where I can do a research, about whether my idea is already existed or not? Secondly is there any organization that help product people's ideas? in San Antonio Texas? you help is appreciated.

  6. I'm applying for a provisional patent and was wondering if I need to consult with an attorney first to obtain a docket # as the application asks for one although it's not mandatory?

  7. If so, do I need a patent the invention before I consider the place?

  8. I'd just like to know. As always, thank you for any and all answers.
